teeth treatment at avant dental clinic kolkata

Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain or composite resin that are custom made to fit over teeth, providing a natural, attractive look. They can be used to fix chipped, stained, misaligned, worn down, uneven or abnormally spaced teeth.


For teeth that are severely discoloured, chipped or misshapen, veneers create a durable and pleasing smile. Plus, veneers are difficult to stain, making them popular for people seeking a perfect smile.

tooth veneer at avant dental clinic kolkata
What to Expect During a VENEER Procedure
  • Your dentist will remove a small amount of the tooth surface to permit placement of the veneer.
  • An impression is taken of the tooth and sent to the dental laboratory.
  • The dental veneer is then made to fit the tooth and mouth.
  • The veneer is bonded to the tooth with resin cement.
What Are the Advantages of Dental Veneers?

Veneers offer the following advantages:

  • They provide a natural tooth appearance.
  • Gum tissue tolerates porcelain well.
  • They are stain resistant.
  • They offer a conservative approach to changing a tooth’s color and shape as they don’t require the extensive tooth cutting that crowns do, yet offer a strong and more aesthetic alternative.
tooth veneer treatment at avant dental clinic kolkata
tooth treatment at avant dental clinic kolkata