A constant toothache is often a sign of infected dental pulp. This pain will not go away easily with general medicine or a cold compress.
If the pain persists, choosing root canal treatment is the best option. Visit a nearby orthodontist who offers specialised root canal treatment in Salt Lake, Kolkata.
Here, we will tell you the major signs of a root canal procedure.
Common Signs That You Need an Urgent Root Canal Surgery
Certain symptoms indicate that you need urgent treatment from an orthodontist. They include-
1. Constant Pain That Persists For Long
Pain is one of the most common indications of root canal surgery. It can be-
● Persistent or constant
● Recurring over time
● When you eat anything sweet or sour
● During day or night time
● When you apply any pressure when you chew the food
● When you drink too hot or cold liquid
Regardless of the reasons behind painful symptoms, it is always good to visit an orthodontist. Diagnosing the dental condition at an early stage can prevent serious damage.
2. Presence of a Chipped or Cracked Teeth
Chipped and cracked teeth are the result of an accident or biting a hard object. Even a hairline crack on the tooth can allow microorganisms to enter the pulp area and cause gradual decay. If you need treatment for a cracked tooth urgently, root canal treatment is the best option.
3. Tooth Leaking Pus
When a tooth is infected, pus generally comes out from its surroundings. It is a clear sign of infection, and emergency care is required. The infected tooth should be treated earlier, as waiting too long can have horrible consequences. The orthodontist suggests whether you need immediate surgery to save the teeth.
4. Discolouration
Infection inside the nerve or dental pulp can cause discolouration. Tooth can turn greyish in appearance. The pulp is also affected by a lack of blood flow, which causes the colour to fade further. In this case, you positively require a root canal surgery.
A root canal is the standard procedure for treating pain caused by an infection in the pulp. Are you worried about where you will do this treatment? Contact the team from Avant Dental. Our experts remove the damaged area of the tooth and then clean and disinfect it. Then, the pulp is filled and sealed properly. Call us or visit our website for further assistance.